Please scroll down for English text. Mahalo nui!
当教室、E Ho’olaha Aloha Hawaiian Music Studio Okinawaでは、ウクレレという楽器はシンプルで簡単な楽器である、また音楽は楽しむものだという基本的な考えは変わりませんが、ハワイアンミュー ジックを弾くための三原則という基本的な考え方があり、これだけは当教室固有のものとして、教える際の基本的な考え方となっています。
1 アップストロークのリズムをずらす。 シャッフルの変則版。ハワイアン独特のグルーヴ感を生み出すこと。
2 メロディーの美しさを表現する為のスムーズな流れ 。リズムの空白を埋めること。
3 ハーモニーの美しさ。理想とするところは、スリーパートハーモニーです。
中級者になってくるとたった一本の弦楽器にも、感情を込め、違いを生み出す奏法というのが存在するのだということを理解していただくとともに、ハワ イアン独特の旅情感がすべて込められているのだ、ということを理解していただきたく思っています。これを本当に体現できるまでには、早い方で2年かかりますし、ま た、もともとウクレレやギターが上手な方ほど、ハワイアンの独特な癖を覚えるのが困難になります。
よっ て、当教室ではハワイアンのリズムの癖を覚えるのが一番のポイントとさせていただいています。リズムの間を埋める。それによって、ハワイアン独特のハッ ピーな旅情が生まれる。ハワイ人は生まれもったリズム感覚で、これを「何かが違う」という表現になってしまうのですね。
もしご興味があれば、地元にすんでいる方に限らず、メッセージなどの交流を通して楽しく会話のなかで、アロハスピリットを感じていただければいいと思っていますので、気軽にコミュニケーションをとってくださいね。楽しく語ろう。 mahalo nui.
細かいところまで読んでくださり、ありがとうございます。音楽教室とは別の活動なのですが、ハワイアンバンド活動に興味はありませんか?ギターやウクレレ が弾ける歌に自信のある方、自薦他薦は問いません。メンバーを常時募集中です。バンド練習は多くても週一回。必ず時間の工面ができる方、休まない方が条件 です。バンド活動を通してハワイアンミュージックを学んでみませんか?通常のレッスンよりも、上達はとっても早いですし、何よりも一緒に興奮と感動を共有 することができます。もしよかったら気軽にメッセージをください。
Please note before you read: Leaning Hawaiian songs is not the only way to enjoy ukulele.
Ukulele is a simple instrument – easy to learn, carry, and share. I am not against learning ukulele by another method. Also, I define how to play Hawaiian songs in Hawaiian rhythm – this might be right or wrong for each and every one of you.
I would like to play along and you should “feel” the music. Because there is no way to share my rhythm and heart in this website, please allow me to define “how fo’ play like hawaiian.”
three principles to play ukulele like Hawaiian:
1 Accent in upstroke rhythm. Sometimes slow, sometimes fast. Covering the open air between each beat to play with a “taste.” This creates Hawaiian groove.
2 Beautiful and smooth flow of river. Feel the air. Expressing what you have inside of you with smooth flowing melody. Learning about what the songwriter want you to do, and building your own spirit.
3 Harmony. Making your voice alive with voice ensemble with your friend. It is a hreat of kokua. Being able to know what your friend wants and find your spot. It is becoming a family. If you help your friend, then your friend helps you. Learning how to blend in.
Don’t get me wrong. I would like you to “feel” 3 things above, not learning word for word. So please forget about what you have just read. Just play with me. That’s all.
If you are willing to just stay in beginner’s class and just have fun, that’s alright.
Let’s kanikapila.
If you are willing to learn more and move up to intermediate class, you will start to feel that there are few techniques to put your heart and make a difference in such a simple 4 stringed ukulele, and this is what I would like to share with you – playing Hawaiian like Hawaiian. (I am Japanese and still learning. Let’s learn with me.)
I learned how to play electric rock guitar when I was 13, and became interested in Hawaiian music when I moved to Hawai’i in the age of 15. I was in Rock band, Jazz band, and Hawaiian band back in Hawaii.
Nobody in my first Hawaiian band taught me what I was doing was wrong. I moved to Okinawa and met my soul brother – my band master, he taught me what I was doing was wrong: whatever I was doing did not sound like Hawaiian music.
I am not saying I learned 100% of Hawaiian, but it took me about 5 years to fix my 4 beat rock rhythm. All he taught me how to feel the music. That’s all he said.
After three years, I am finally starting to feel it. It was hard to learn if you are not born and raised in Hawaiian family.
In my class, I am not going to have this whole speech like this. All I would ask is to play with me and have fun. I am not that great of musician, either…. but I am 100 % sure that no matter how good you are, we will have a great time. Let’s learn. I am also learning from you.